Protect Yourself Rules

in development

The Protect Yourself Rules is a powerful animated series made by Wonder Media in partnership with the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center to raise awareness and prevent child and teen sexual abuse for ages 5-18.

The Protect Yourself Rules is a powerful animated series made by Wonder Media in partnership with the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center to raise awareness and prevent child and teen sexual abuse for ages 5-18.

The Protect Yourself Rules are a powerful series of videos made in partnership with the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center to raise awareness and prevent child and teen sexual abuse for ages 5-18. There are three series for grades K-3, 4-6, and 7-12 to meet students’ specific needs.

Over 93% of parents say that the Protect Yourself Rules helped them to start a conversation with their children about abuse.

The Protect Yourself Rules have been praised by parents and teachers for the skillful way that the videos inform students and allow for the opportunity to start a conversation.

Watch all Protect Yourself Rules episodes now for free on the Fight Child Abuse YouTube channel.

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We produce animated stories to make difficult subjects easy to discuss!